Dutch AcroYoga Festival

By Lennert & Yvonne

Our Story

Sharing our passion with you through three Dutch AcroYoga Festival each year

We, Lennert and Yvonne, love to share our passion for AcroYoga with you as much and as often as possible, and that’s why we organise Dutch AcroYoga Festival several times each year! We are both certified Yoga and AcroYoga teachers and have our own studio in Leiden under the name AcroYoga Moves

Would you like to know more about us? Read this!

Workshops & Levels

There will be multiple workshops every round, so you can choose a workshop you like and that fits your level. Before the workshops starts, there will be presentations of the workshops to show the content of the workshops and the prerequisites. Since we have multiple workshops it’s also possible to join the Festival with a little experience(you followed at least 5 classes). The teachers that give the beginners workshop are happy to teach you the basics as well. And the good thing, you don’t need to bring a partner! There are enough friends to play with. In the warming-up there will be games were you already get in touch with the other participants.


Every edition you’ll find different high quality AcroYoga teachers, so you can explore several AcroYoga and teaching styles. There will be special guest teachers from abroad to share their specialities, and of course plenty of our own Dutch talented teachers will be present. Have a look at the next edition for more information about the teachers.

DAYF Teachers
DAYF Group picture

Next Editions

The next editions of the DAYF coming up:

Apr 25 – May 4 | Dutch AcroYoga Festival – Spring 2025

Oct 17 – 26 | Dutch AcroYoga Festival – Autumn 2025

Next Dutch AcroYoga Festival Edition

April 25 - may 4, 2025


To next festival: DAYF Spring 2025, April 25 – May 4 2025








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