
dutch acroyoga festival

Our Story

We love sharing our passion with you by organising Dutch AcroYoga Festivals the year round

Lennert Stevens and Yvonne Gravemaker are the founders of Dutch AcroYoga Festival. Few years back, in 2017, Lennert and Yvonne practiced AcroYoga in the park on their first date. Lennert practiced only for few months, Yvonne once did a workshop with Jason Nemer and Jenny Sauer-Klein years back, but never since. Lennert and Yvonne fell both in love with AcroYoga, and… with each other.

Ever since they practice together as much as possible, and after attending several AcroYoga workshops, festivals, and immersion, they felt the desire to spread their love for AcroYoga with the world.

In spring 2018 they taught their first AcroYoga Lunar Workshop, which was a big success, and the following Summer, they participated in the AcroYoga International Teacher Training in Berlin. Since then, they’re unstoppable and teach weekly AcroYoga Classes in Leiden, The Hague and Haarlem, organise workshops, got invited for to teach at team-building and team-outing events, and teach and organise the Dutch AcroYoga Festival since 2019. You can find all there other activitie under the name AcroYoga Moves.

Their motto: spread the love of AcroYoga with as many people as possible and get them hooked as themselves.

They love the playfulness, togetherness, and connections AcroYoga brings, and have a strong love for flowy side star flows and washingmachines, as well as icarians and whip-pops. They both taught AcroYoga over 1000 hours already.

Next Dutch AcroYoga Festival Edition

Apr 26 -May 5, 2024
Next Edition

Festival calendar

You can find us teaching AcroYoga on other festivals as well. Here is a list of the festivals were you can follow our workshops


Dec 28 – Jan 5 |Dutch AcroYoga Festival – Kick-off 2025

Apr 25 – May 4 |Dutch AcroYoga Festival – Spring 2025


Apr 26 – May 5 |Dutch AcroYoga Festival – Spring 2024

Dec 28 – Jan 5 |Dutch AcroYoga Festival – Kick-off 2025

Dec 30 – Jan 08 New Year New Trick 22/23 edition
Apr 13-16 Israel Acro Convention
Apr 28 – May 7 Dutch AcroYoga Festival  Spring 2023
Aug 4-13 Dutch AcroYoga Festival Summer 2023


January 2-8 Dutch AcroYoga Festival New Year
January 9-10 Dutch AcroYoga Festival Post-New Year
March 18-20 France AcroFusion Festival
April 2-3 Paris AcroYoga Festival #2 Sur l’eau
Apr. 29 – May 08 Dutch AcroYoga Festival Spring 2022
June 23- 26 Acroyoga Summer Festival Belgium 2022
July 23-29 Sicily Acro Convention 2022
August 5-12 Dutch AcroYoga Festival Sizzling Summer 2022
August 13-14 Dutch AcroYoga Festival Summer 2022 POST
Sep 9-11: Surfana
Sep 17-18: AYM Train, Play & Jam weekends
Sep 24-25: AYM Train, Play & Jam weekends
Okt 1-2: AYM Train, Play & Jam weekends
Okt 8-9: AYM Train, Play & Jam weekends
Okt 15-16: AYM Train, Play & Jam weekends
Okt 22-23: Whippops & Icarian intensive (FR / Nice)
Okt 29-30: Paris Acroyoga Festival
Nov 4-6: Belgium Kula
Nov 12-13: AYM Train, Play & Jam weekends
Nov 19-20 AYM Train, Play & Jam weekends
Dec 2-4: European Acro Festival
Dec 8-16 Dutch AcroYoga Festival Winter Wonderland 2022
Dec 17-18 Dutch AcroYoga Festival Winter 2022 POST
Dec 30 – Jan 08 New Year New Trick 22/23 edition

March 6-7 Dutch AcroYoga Festival Winter Cancelled
March 8-9 Dutch AcroYoga Post-Festival Winter Cancelled
June 17-20 Midsummer AcroYoga Retreat
July 24-30 Sicily Acro Convention 2021
August 13-14 Dutch AcroYoga Pre-Festival Summer
August 15-21 Dutch AcroYoga Festival Summer
August 22-23 Dutch AcroYoga Post-Festival Summer
September 10-12 Surfana Festival 2021
October 14-15 Dutch AcroYoga Pre-Festival Autumn
October 16-17 Dutch AcroYoga Festival Autumn
October 18-19 Dutch AcroYoga Post-Festival Autumn
November 4-7 Belgium Kula 2021
November 19-21 STYLE AcroYoga Retreat
November 27-28 Paris AcroYoga Festival

February 15-16
Dutch AcroYoga Festival Winter edition 2020
April 10-13  PaascroYoga Festival 2020 Cancelled
May 9-10 Dutch AcroYoga Spring Edition 2020 Cancelled
June 25-28  AcroYoga Summer Festival Belgium 2020 Cancelled
July 22-28 Sicily Acro Convention 2020
August 7-10 Dutch AcroYoga Summer Edition 2020 Cancelled

August 11-14 Dutch AcroYoga Festival Summer Post Cancelled
November 5-8  Belgium Kula Festival 2020 Cancelled
December 19-24 Dutch AcroYoga Festival Xmas 2020

April 19-22
PaascroYoga Festival 2019
June 28-30  Yoga Festival Terschelling 2019
July 4-7  German Kula Festival 2019
July 21 Dutch AcroYoga 1-Day Festival Amsterdam 2019
August 16-18 Lowlands Festival 2019
August 28 – September 1 Psi-fi Festival 2019
September 06-08 Surfana Festival 2019
October 31 – November 3 Belgium Kula Festival 2019
November 16-17 Dutch AcroYoga Festival Autumn 2019     

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